Research Initiatives
Given the eye is connected to the brain we use visual electrophysiology and imaging of the retina to better understand changes that occur in the brain with neurological conditions.
Our main approach has been with the electroretinogram (ERG), which like the electrocardiogram measures the electical signals of the eye rather than the heart. The ERG waveform depends on the state of adaptation of the retina. We have been looking mainly at the light adapted ERG waveform in neurodevelopmental disorders such as ASD and ADHD.
The ERG waveform can be recorded using a hand held unit (RETeval) shown in the video below using a brief flash of light and a recoding electrode below the eye.
We can assess the structure of the retina and the vasculature using optical coherence tomography (OCT) that gives a profile of the layers of cells within the retina.
Combining structure and functional measures with machine learning and signal processing enables the group to investigate possible retinal biomarkers for neurological and vascular conditions.
We hope the outcomes will one day benefit individuals affected by these conditions by improving their management and diagnosis.